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New Study Shows Exercise May Help Decrease Allergy Symptoms- Atlanta ENT

A recent study from Thailand discovered a link between exercise and the severity of allergy symptoms. According to the researchers, allergies sufferers participating in the study ran for thirty minutes, and saw a significant decrease, of up to 70 percent, in sneezing, runny nose and nasal itching.

As to why a bit of good old fashioned cardio could help seasonal allergy sufferers find temporary relief, experts suggest that cardio calms the inflammatory proteins found in the nasal passages.

The scientists involved in the study recommend that you maintain a moderate pace if you choose to strap on your running shoes to seek relief. It is recommended that you stay within 65 to 70 percent of your heart rate reserve.

To calculate your heart rate reserve, subtract your resting heart rate from your maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate is determined by multiplying your age by 0.7, then subtracting the result from 207.

Are you a runner? Do you find that your allergy symptoms worsen or improve after a good brisk jog? If you lace up those shoes and hit the pavement or tread mill, let us know what type of results you see.

Ramie A. Tritt, MD, President of Atlanta ENT

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